"Kengan Ashura" is a Japanese manga created by Sandrovich Yabako and illustrated by Daromeon. The story unfolds in a fictional modern world where disputes between massive conglomerates and corporations are no longer settled through legal means or politics but rather through private unarmed combat tournaments known as "Kengan Matches." These matches aim to resolve conflicts and disputes between different companies and wealthy individuals.The protagonist of the manga is Kazuo Yamashita, an ordinary Japanese salaryman working for the Nogi Group. One day, he witnesses a street fight between two mysterious fighters, and one of them, Tokita "Ashura" Ohma, impressively defeats his opponent. Nogi Hideki, the CEO of the Nogi Group, notices Ohma's exceptional fighting skills and recruits him as their representative fighter.Kazuo is reluctantly tasked with managing Ohma, who enters the Kengan Matches and consistently defeats his opponents with devastating force. Ohma's remarkable combat abilities attract the attention of prominent business owners, leading to his invitation to participate in the prestigious Kengan Annihilation Tournament. This tournament is organized by Japan's most influential CEOs, and the winner gains the coveted position of Chairman in the Kengan Association, a role of immense power and prestige.As the tournament progresses, Ohma tests his strength against formidable opponents while simultaneously dealing with his enigmatic and troubled past. Kazuo finds himself caught up in managing Ohma and uncovering the true intentions behind his invitation to the tournament."Kengan Ashura" is a manga centered around action and combat, emphasizing the importance of strength, skill, and determination in the world of corporate battles. The story is filled with intense fight scenes, strategic maneuvering, and a dose of mystery. It has garnered a dedicated fan base, especially among those who enjoy martial arts and action-themed manga.
Kengan Ashura Images/Wallpaper
10 Pictures Kengan Ashura News
4 Articles Ohma Tokita Kengan Ashura
The Enigma of Strength Delve into the world of Ohma Tokita Kengan Ashura, a character whose presence is a force to be reckoned with. This article explores the intricacies of this formidable personality.
Kazuo Yamashita Kengan Ashura
Unraveling the Enigma of Kazuo Yamashita in 'Kengan Ashura' Step into the electrifying world of 'Kazuo Yamashita: Kengan Ashura.' In this article, we will embark on a journey to uncover the enigmatic personality of Kazuo Yamashita, explore his distinctive appearance, delve into his awe-inspiring power and combat abilities, and navigate the complex web of relationships that define his role in the 'Kengan Ashura' series.
Ryuki Kengan Ashura
Unveiling the Enigma Ryuki Kengan Ashura is a fascinating character known for his enigmatic presence in the Kengan Ashura series.
Gaoh Ryuki Kengan Ashura
Unveiling the Enigma of Gaoh Ryuki Gaoh Ryuki is a captivating character from the world of Kengan Ashura. Dive into his complex persona, mesmerizing abilities, and intricate relationships in this exploration of Gaoh Ryuki Kengan Ashura.
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