Reiji Kurose resides in a small rural town, living with his younger brother, a nurse for a mother and their grandmother. He shares a childhood bond with Sakiko Akiyama. One day, Reiji crosses paths with Nagi Aomori, a member of the idol group Acrylic, who works as a convenience store clerk. Nagi introduces Reiji to a notorious local spot known as the 'Lover's Abyss', reputed to be a lovers' suicide spot. An attempt at ending their own lives by Reiji and Nagi ends in failure, with Reiji being rescued by his teacher Yuri Shibazaki who vows to protect him thereafter. The narrative reels you into a poignant world of respective vulnerabilities and a paradoxical quest for freedom amidst despair - perpetuating the emotive complexities intrinsic to Shounen no Abyss (Boy's Abyss).
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