Noah Miller(O.D)✨🖤
Tenpi, unx chicx que se identifica como de género fluido, vive su adolescencia en una sociedad que ve los géneros en dualidad, llevándole a verse envueltx en complicadas relaciones amorosas por ocultar quien realmente es. Junto con sus amigxs crea un grupo secreto para ayudar a concientizar sobre la comunidad LGBTQ+, tras ser rechazadxs por la es - cuela para asistir juntxs a la marcha, e informar a la mayor cantidad posible de alumnxs sobre las problemáticas del colectivo causadas por las ideologías de la heterocisnorma.
Tenpi, a girl who identifies as gender fluid, lives her adolescence in a society that sees genders in duality, leading her to find herself involved in complicated love relationships to hide who she really is. After being rejected by the school along with her friend for attending a march together, she creates a secret group to help raise awareness about the LGBTQ+ community and inform as many students as possible about society's problems caused by the ideologies of heteronormativity.