"Hiroyuki Kurosawa, the protagonist of the manga ""Uchi no Kore ga Kore na mon de,"" is a high school student who is known for his calm and collected demeanor. He is quite popular among his peers and is seen as a role model by many.
Hiroyuki's appearance is quite average, with short black hair and a lean build. He is always seen wearing his school uniform and tends to keep a serious expression on his face. Despite his reserved nature, Hiroyuki is quite charismatic and is often admired by both girls and boys.
Although Hiroyuki is an excellent student, he is not interested in attending university after high school. Instead, he dreams of becoming an entrepreneur and starting his own business. He is often seen reading books about business and economics, and is constantly looking for new ideas and opportunities.
Hiroyuki's family is quite wealthy, and he is often teased by his friends for being spoiled. However, Hiroyuki is very humble and is not interested in flaunting his wealth. He is also very close to his younger sister, who he is always trying to protect and support.
Despite his busy schedule, Hiroyuki always finds time to help others. He is often called upon by his friends to mediate disputes and is always willing to lend a hand to those in need. His kind and compassionate nature is one of his most endearing qualities, and is what makes him such a beloved character in the series.
In conclusion, Hiroyuki Kurosawa is an intelligent and driven young man with a kind heart and a strong sense of purpose. He is a role model to those around him, demonstrating what it means to work hard and follow your dreams. Hiroyuki's character is sure to inspire readers of all ages to pursue their own passions and strive for success."