Experience the thrilling story of Yuji as he embarks on a journey at Jujutsu High in the mountains of Tokyo. Follow his encounters with the school's principal, Masamichi Yaga, and witness the determination that drives him to accept the responsibility of consuming Sukuna. Join Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara as they navigate the challenges of being first-year students at Jujutsu High.
Accompanied by Gojo sensei, Yuji enters Jujutsu High, a renowned institution for shamans. Amidst the mountainous landscape, Satoru Gojo informs Yuji about the crucial interview with Principal Yaga. Yuji anxiously ponders the possibility of being denied entry or worse.
Unfortunately, Principal Yaga disqualifies Yuji's candidacy for Jujutsu High, disappointed by his perceived weakness. However, confronted by Sukuna's menacing presence, Yuji tries to intervene, which leads to an intense confrontation with Satoru. Determined to prove himself, Yuji remains resolute in his desire to attend Jujutsu High.
Despite arriving late for the interview, Yuji faces Principal Yaga's displeasure. Yuji is captivated by the principal's peculiar behavior, creating dolls while scolding Gojo sensei. Yaga's sole inquiry revolves around Yuji's motivation to attend Jujutsu High.
Rather than regretting his way of life, Yuji asserts that his grandfather's last wish was for him to assist others, an explanation that fails to satisfy Yaga. Disqualified, Yuji faces the pressure of Yaga's curse-infused dolls, challenging his resolve. Principal Yaga believes true shamans must be driven and slightly eccentric, unwavering in their commitment to protect against curses.
However, Yuji reveals that he alone possesses the power to seal Sukuna and refuses to standby while people suffer. Recognizing Yuji's determination, Principal Yaga accepts him into the school. Nevertheless, Yuji faces immediate danger as Yaga forgets to deactivate his incantation, resulting in an unexpected attack.
Later, Gojo sensei reminds Yuji of his duty as a shaman and discloses a unique ability within his new body. Megumi expresses dissatisfaction with the living arrangements, yet they embark on a new mission - meeting the third first-year student, Nobara Kugisaki.
Yuji Itadori, Satoru Gojo, Megumi Fushiguro, Sukuna, Masamichi Yaga, Nobara Kugisaki
Tokyo Prefecture, Jujutsu High School
Cursed Corpse (Cathy)
For Myself (自 (じ) 分 (ぶん) のために, Jibun no Tameni?) is the third chapter of Gege Akutami's Jujutsu Kaisen.