The tale revolves around a young man named Nakajima Atsushi. Dislodged from an orphanage, he steps in to prevent the presumed drowning suicide of one Dazai Osamu in a river. Through interactions with Dazai, Atsushi becomes aware of a supernatural ability he possesses, one that transforms him into a fierce white tiger under the moonlight - a fact that led to his ostracisation and torment in his former orphanage. Dazai recruits him into an agency where he meets a variety of other gifted individuals dealing with a myriad of cases and incidents in the city of Yokohama - a destination teeming with supernaturally-abled beings.
Atsushi becomes the target of a port mafia member named Akutagawa Ryuunosuke, due to the bounty offered for his head on the black market. When he learns about a young mafia member, Izumi Kyouka, being forced to kill people, he recruits her as well.
During his eventual clashes with the port mafia, Atsushi encounters Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, the leader of an organization called the Guild - a man who too has a bounty on Atsushi's head. Fitzgerald reveals that a supernatural book capable of altering reality is connected to Atsushi's tiger, explaining the bounty. In his single-minded pursuit of this book, Fitzgerald proves to be indifferent to any collateral damage this might cause to Yokohama, calling in for the assault of the city through an airship called the Moby Dick. Fitzgerald's plan, however, is nearly thwarted when Atsushi and Akutagawa join forces against him and Kyouka intercepts the Moby Dick, subsequently aligning herself under Atsushi.
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