The narrative unfurls in an alternate 19th century, with the spotlight centered on a demon-slaying organization called the "Black Order." Their mission is to protect humanity from the bane of the Noah Family, an ominous lineage, the reincarnations of Noah and his twelve followers, who harbor deep-seated animosity towards humans and the divine. The puppeteer pulling the strings is an individual known as the "Millennium Earl," the leader of this dark congregation. The primary weapon the exorcists wield against the Noah Family is the sentient relic known as "Innocence." It takes many forms: from everyday items such as boots or a grandfather clock, to weapons like swords and guns. Each unique variant of this artifact boasts distinct offensive and supportive capabilities and operates exclusively for the chosen wielder, regardless of its form. Distributed and concealed around the world lie 109 of these Innocences, among which one is reputed to be the "Heart of Innocence." Whichever side secures this Innocence first will be the victor of this war. In contrast to the Innocence, the weapons of the Noah Family derive their potency from a power source known as Dark Matter, which grants the Noah super abilities, alongside the power to create and control demons.
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