When an enigmatic light suddenly envelops the Earth, humanity finds itself petrified, frozen in stone. Thousands of years later, the world is flourishing with lush vegetation, and forests have replaced the once-proud cities. Among the first to break free from their stone prisons is Taiju Ooki, who discovers that his close friend, the brilliant young scientist named Senkuu, has been preparing for his reawakening. While Taiju yearns to rescue the woman he loves, Senkuu is resolute in uncovering the cause of this peculiar phenomenon and restoring the world to its former glory.
However, when they release the notoriously powerful Tsukasa Shishiou to gain an advantage in an unfamiliar world, they realize that their new comrade has ulterior motives. Tsukasa perceives their situation as an opportunity for a fresh start, liberated from the corruption and destruction wrought by technology, and he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.
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