Gachiakuta Manga: In the impoverished sectors of a prosperous town, Rudo and foster father Legto navigate challenges with the wealthier residents. Rudo despises the upper class's extravagance, scavenging through the town's refuse for valuables from the massive "Abyss," where discarded items, even people, end up. Tragedy strikes when Rudo finds Legto dying after encountering a mysterious figure. Framed for murder, Rudo is thrown into the Abyss, discovering a realm of monsters made from discarded refuse.
Attacked by creatures, Rudo is saved by Engine, a "janitor" armed with "jinkis" to combat trash monsters. Seeking revenge, Rudo reluctantly becomes a janitor, battling his way out of the Abyss. In a floating town where the affluent discard refuse into the abyss, a boy faces false murder accusations, leading to unimaginable punishment—exile with the trash. On the surface, waste spawns monsters. To seek vengeance, the boy transforms into a warrior.
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