In the outskirts of a guild lies an unusual tale, a tale of a man who rose to silver rank (third highest) solely by dedicating himself to the eradication of goblins.
Upon becoming an adventurer, a novice priestess joined her first group, only to be immediately beset by danger. Her savior was the enigmatic "Goblin Slayer", a man devoted to the extermination of goblins by any means necessary.
He guides her journey, an unforgiving warrior harboring an unrelenting vendetta against goblins. The guild's receptionist thanks him for his service, a childhood friend who herds cattle waits for him, their lives intertwined with his solemn mission.
Word of his exploits reaches an elven maiden, who is intrigued enough to commission a task of her own. A tale slowly unfolds of a man known only by his infliction: the Goblin Slayer.
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