"Kakegurui" is set in modern-day Japan, primarily within the fictitious confines of the exclusive Hyakkaou Private Academy. This school is distinguished for its unique curriculum - gambling, utilized as the central method for nurturing the various skillsets of its aristocratic students. The academy's casino is strictly overseen by the student council, with each student being obligated to offer a "tribute money" as a maintenance fee.
The status quo is challenged, however, when Kirari Momobami claims the presidency of the student council. She introduces a sinister "Livestock" system, based on the tribute money, whereby the bottom one hundred tribute payers in the school are designated as "Non-Cooperative Students" or "Livestock". These unfortunate individuals suffer discrimination and bullying within the school bounds, with the severely indebted even receiving a "Life Schedule" that continues to control their lives post-graduation until their debts are fully repaid.
To escape the ignominy of being earmarked as 'Livestock,' students must either settle their debts or submit a special payment of 1 million yen to the student council. In essence, "Kakegurui" offers a grim reflection of a society where power, wealth, and cunning determine one's status and shape their destiny.
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