"Killing Bites" (キリングバイツ) is a Japanese manga series created by writer Shinya Murata and illustrator Sumita Kazasa. The manga tells the story of an extremely brutal survival game that involves battles between human-animal hybrids.Here is the basic premise of the manga:The story is set in an underground world hidden from society known as "Killing Bites." In this ruthless game, wealthy capitalists and magnates hire genetically modified human-animal hybrids to engage in battles for the purposes of gambling and power struggles.These human-animal hybrids, referred to as "Therianthropes," are created by fusing human and animal genes, each possessing the physical traits and abilities of their respective animals. For example, the protagonist, Brute, is a therianthrope with the characteristics of a fierce dog, granting him incredible strength and speed.The story primarily follows Brute and other therianthropes who become embroiled in the deadly games of Killing Bites. The game is driven by power and money, and therianthropes must fight for their lives while representing the interests of their employers.The manga emphasizes extreme violence and cruelty while also exploring themes of power, greed, and survival. The battles between characters are intense and action-packed, defining the manga's signature style."Killing Bites" is a manga series that revolves around themes of combat and survival, targeting readers who enjoy action, violence, and battle-themed stories. It portrays the fusion of human and animal characteristics in a brutal gladiatorial arena, resulting in a series of bloody and intense showdowns.
Killing Bites Images/Wallpaper
10 Pictures Killing Bites News
4 Articles Nomoto Yuuya Killing Bites
Unveiling Nomoto Yuuya's Intriguing Persona Dive into the thrilling world of 'Nomoto Yuuya Killing Bites,' where a character's journey takes a wild and unpredictable turn.
Hitomi Uzaki Killing Bites
Exploring the Multifaceted Persona of Hitomi Uzaki Prepare to delve into the thrilling universe of 'Hitomi Uzaki Killing Bites,' where a character's fierceness takes center stage.
Yuya Brute Killing Bites
Unleash the Beast Within - Yuya's Killing Bites Saga Yuya Brute Killing Bites takes you on a thrilling ride through the ferocious world of Killing Bites, where humans transform into powerful beasts and engage in deadly battles. Join Yuya as he explores the limits of his abilities and the bonds he forms in the heat of combat.
Tadanori Sanagawa Killing Bites
Unraveling the Ferocity of Tadanori Sanagawa Dive into the heart-pounding world of 'Tadanori Sanagawa Killing Bites', an anime that explores the visceral realm of savage battles. With adrenaline-pumping action and unexpected alliances, this series takes viewers on a wild ride where survival depends on cunning, strength, and sheer determination.
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