The story is set in the era of the Warring States in China, a period not yet unified and constantly plagued by warfare. The protagonist, Li Xin, is a young boy from the state of Qin, who loses his parents due to the war and lives as a slave in the house of the village chief who took him in. The chief's family sheltered two war orphans, Xin and Piao. However, rather than losing their ambition due to their lowly status, Xin and Piao, as orphans, are determined to become great generals in this turbulent era of frequent warfare, and together, they practice martial arts diligently. They strive to become distinguished generals known throughout the world, honing their skills daily, awaiting an opportunity to achieve greatness. One day, Piao is taken into the palace to serve as an official. Later, when a dying Piao returns home, Xin, under Piao's guidance, meets the King of Qin, Ying Zheng, who was targeted for assassination due to a political coup. This begins the harbinger of his life as a warrior traversing the lands.
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