In a sudden, tragic twist of fate, an explosion occurs in a high school classroom, reaping the lives of every teacher and student present. The protagonist awakens in a wildly alien world, reincarnated into an arachnid beast that roams the vast labyrinth—the reasons why she accepts her drastic transformation with an unwavering spirit are as mysterious as the world she now inhabits. As she navigates through the cruelty and unpredictability of the maze, she constantly strives for survival, eventually transcending her limits and achieving a deep and profound understanding of her existence.
In a parallel thread of this captivating tale, one of the male students is reincarnated as a prince of the human kingdom in this alternate universe. With his inevitable ascension to the role of a hero, he is thrust into an inevitable, full-blown war between humans and monsters. Thus, the stage is set for an intriguing narrative that spans two drastically different lives, pushing them to their utmost limits in this immersive and adventurous odyssey.
Kumo desu ga, Nani ka? (So I'm a Spider, So What?) Chapters
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