Land of the Lustrous
Land of the Lustrous

"Land of the Lustrous," also known as "Houseki no Kuni" in Japanese, is a manga series created by Haruko Ichikawa. The story is set in a far-distant future where Earth has been ravaged by meteorites, leaving only a single coastal landmass. In this world, sentient gem-like beings, known as the "Lustrous," have emerged as the dominant lifeforms. These gem people take on human-like forms and have unique abilities related to their gemstone composition.The series primarily follows Phosphophyllite, or Phos, one of the Lustrous. Phos is considered weak due to their low hardness and is assigned the task of creating a natural history encyclopedia. Seeking a way to contribute more to their society, Phos forms a friendship with the enigmatic Cinnabar, who is burdened by their own unique abilities.The Lustrous face an ongoing threat from the Lunarians, mysterious beings from the Moon who capture the gem people for their aesthetic value. The conflict between the Lustrous and Lunarians is a central element of the story, highlighting themes of survival and the pursuit of purpose.As Phos embarks on a journey of self-discovery, the manga delves into themes of identity, personal growth, and the mysteries of their world. With its stunning artwork and intricate world-building, "Land of the Lustrous" has captivated readers and explores profound philosophical concepts within its unique and captivating narrative.


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Land of the Lustrous Introduction

"Land of the Lustrous," also known as "Houseki no Kuni" in Japanese, is a manga series created by Haruko Ichikawa. The story is set in a far-distant future where Earth has been ravaged by meteorites, leaving only a single coastal landmass. In this world, sentient gem-like beings, known as the "Lustrous," have emerged as the dominant lifeforms. These gem people take on human-like forms and have unique abilities related to their gemstone composition.The series primarily follows Phosphophyllite, or Phos, one of the Lustrous. Phos is considered weak due to their low hardness and is assigned the task of creating a natural history encyclopedia. Seeking a way to contribute more to their society, Phos forms a friendship with the enigmatic Cinnabar, who is burdened by their own unique abilities.The Lustrous face an ongoing threat from the Lunarians, mysterious beings from the Moon who capture the gem people for their aesthetic value. The conflict between the Lustrous and Lunarians is a central element of the story, highlighting themes of survival and the pursuit of purpose.As Phos embarks on a journey of self-discovery, the manga delves into themes of identity, personal growth, and the mysteries of their world. With its stunning artwork and intricate world-building, "Land of the Lustrous" has captivated readers and explores profound philosophical concepts within its unique and captivating narrative.
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