Doors leading to another dimension called Mato are starting to open all over Japan, and monsters named Shuuki commence their assault on the Earth's inhabitants. Within these portals lies a resource referred to as "Peaches," which bestow upon females who consume them supernatural powers, ushering in a matriarchal society.
One day, a recent high school graduate, Yuuki Kakura, blunders his way into one such door, where he encounters major Kyouka Uzen, the captain of the Demon Defense Force's Seventh Platoon. Kyouka possesses the ability to "enslave" the Shuuki, mounting them into battle; but with the Shuuki's numbers constantly growing, she proposes that Yuuki allow her to enslave him. He agrees, thereby becoming her "slave" and together they triumph over the Shuuki. However, she soon discovers that in exchange for using his body, she must provide him with suitable rewards, often of a sexual nature.
Yuuki resolves to join Kyouka's platoon in the role of a guardian, supporting her dreams of becoming the top commander while concurrently battling the Shuuki and uncovering the secrets hidden behind Mato.
Mato Seihei no Slave (Chained Soldier) Chapters
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