Mushoku Tensei Manga: Plunged into despair, an unemployed otaku longs for a fresh start. However, fate takes a cruel turn as he meets his end beneath a truck's wheels. Surprisingly, he awakens as the infant Rudeus Greyrat in a magical world of swords and sorcery. Born anew, Rudeus, armed with past memories, navigates this realm as a prodigy. With wisdom beyond his years and a talent for magic, he forges ahead, using swords instead of chopsticks and spell books in lieu of the internet. Can Rudeus redeem himself in this enchanting yet perilous land?
A 34-year-old NEET sacrifices his life to save a stranger, only to wake as the infant Rudeus Greyrat in a magical realm. Born to adventurers Paul and Zenith Greyrat, he displays magical prowess at age two, prompting the arrival of magic tutor Roxy Migurdia. With immense magical power and knowledge from his past life, Rudeus embarks on a quest to avoid past mistakes and live without regrets.
Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu(anime) Episodes
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