Subaru Natsuki, a high school student and a shut-in, is suddenly whisked away into a fantastical world while returning from a convenience store. Left without any special powers to defend himself, he falls prey to the bullies of this new realm. Fortunately, a silver-haired maiden who refers to herself as "Satella", along with her cat familiar, Puck, steps in and rescues him. To repay her kindness, Subaru pledges to help Satella recover what she has lost. However, during their journey, Subaru is slain only to realise he has acquired a peculiar "Return by Death" ability.
With multiple iterations of life and death, Subaru gathers experiences and successfully combats foes, retrieving Satella's stolen item. He also uncovers her true name, "Emilia," but is grievously wounded in the process and subsequently falls into a deep slumber.
Upon awakening, Subaru finds himself within the premises of the Roswaal Manor, home to the reclusive Count Roswaal. Here, he is introduced to twin maids Ram and Rem, and Beatrice, the guardian of the mansion’s forbidden library. As he begins a new chapter of his life as a butler at the mansion, he soon realises the curse of "Return by Death" remains as he frantically investigates the cause during his cyclical resurrections. With the assistance of the manor's inhabitants, he successfully neutralises a monstrous threat causing his death and discovers his powers are inherited from the "Witch of Envy."
A week later, Emilia, one of the royal successors, is summoned to the capital city, with the reluctant Subaru and Rem accompanying her. In the royal city, Subaru encounters the kingdom's several queen candidates, expressing his dedication to aid Emilia ascend to the throne, but to his dismay, his offer is rejected. Soon after, Subaru receives distressing news about Emilia who rushed back to the mansion. He returns to find all the mansion’s residents slaughtered by the heretical "Witch's Cult". Despite repeatedly dying while endeavoring to preclude the tragedy, Subaru is hindered by the "White Whale", one of the "Three Great Mabeasts". Disheartened, he contemplates fleeing. Nevertheless, Rem's encouragement reignites his resolve, and together they enlist the various factions of the capital to slay the White Whale and oust the Witch's Cult from the mansion.
Following a fierce combat and several "Returns by Death", Subaru secures a monumental victory over the "Archbishop of Sloth", rekindling his relationship with Emilia. However, the victory comes at a price as Rem falls into a deep slumber with her memories stolen by the "Archbishop of Gluttony".
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