At the tender age of eight, Yu Jin experienced a horrific plane crash in a foreign land, emerging as the sole survivor. To survive, he transformed into a notorious mercenary - honing his physical prowess, shooting skills, and combat abilities into that of a proficient predator. However, a decade later, upon encountering soldiers dispatched from Korea, he rediscovered his sole remaining family: his adorable little sister Da Yun and a warm-hearted grandfather. Returning to his homeland, Yu Jin now faces a novel challenge - navigating the mundane life of a quintessential high school student. From dealing with malicious bullies to forging new friendships, every encounter presents a fresh chapter for Yu Jin. But, as his past begins to catch up with him, Yu Jin may be forced to utilize his years of battlefield experience to protect the ones he loves.
Teenage Mercenary (Iphagyongbyeong) Chapters
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