Introducing Robin, the enigmatic and intellectual member of the Straw Hat Crew. Possessing a quiet and mature demeanor, Robin stands out for her keen intelligence and a deep-seated passion for history and archaeology. When she's not embarking on thrilling adventures with her crewmates, you can often find her immersed in books or quietly observing the antics of her companions. Robin wields the formidable power of the Flower-Flower Fruit, also known as the Hana Hana no Mi. This Devil Fruit grants her the remarkable ability to sprout extra limbs, predominantly hands, from any surface within her line of sight. This unique power makes her a force to be reckoned with, endowing her with incredible versatility and dexterity in combat situations. As the seventh member to join the Straw Hat Crew, Robin has been a wanted woman since a tender age of eight, with a bounty of 79 million beri hanging over her head. This notoriety stems from an incident where she allegedly destroyed six Buster Call ships by harnessing the powers bestowed upon her by consuming the Hana Hana no Mi.